
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Krox the come back

This is a come back issue, definately it is. The last time I wrote, was just from school (High school) and believe me, I had not gotten my act together,..not at all. But now I do,...I mean been in some other schools and what not, did done some web and graphics design, and I actually think I am cut out for that, but then again, I got to wait to prove if that is true.
Okay, so you are wondering why this is less formal to what you might have gotten used to. well, truth is, people change, I changed. so I decided that instead of having a blog that tackled only one issue, why not have a blog that tackled a myraid of ideas.
Why??? well, for one,I am young, I haven't gotten picky on what I want to do or what I really want to be identified with. (you see the thing is that I am diverse) two, I like love, design, web and graphic design. I also writting, I also love photography and to add something on top of it, I really love Business or just Money- in short.
Putting one and two together, you ,may want to ask, why don't you just decide to write tutorials then?? well you see, writting for me is different, true, I may be able to write tutorials (which I plan to by the way..) but my type of writting goes beyond the design, photography and Business, it also includes some poetry, some philosophy-yes, I also put down practical thories.
Aaany awy, its been long, but you wont miss me any longer,..


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Krox's world
I am just good.Atleast that is what I think myself as...
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