
Monday, July 12, 2010

Of Design,Writing ad Reality

So in all honesty, I can't seem to get over this new obsession of Design that I currently have. You know, design as in like, web and graphic design, the one you almost sort of use only computers (and your brain of course).  Lately- for like the last one year, I have been dreaming, eating talking and reading exclusively on design. Period. I wont deny it has roots to my geekish background. And yes, I have finally accepted that I am a geek. That is who I am, so whoever has an issue with that should deal with it/. But lets look at the word Geek positively. I know that mostly geek has been used to mean people who are obsessed with some form of technology and are, well, what's an easier, yeah, are unable to perform best socially speaking. On the contrary, I can function socially well. Want proof?? Ask the guys from my youth group.They'll tell you.

Now that that is clear, back to talking. Yeah, So, as I was saying, I am so overly abducted by design. There are a few sites that have actually inspired me, and I am thinking of starting my own website soon. More like a design blog, but with a different view at designing, Giving all the reader's to the site amazing content and inspiration. But that has to wait, for now I am doing research on the kind of material that I could post on the website. I also have many ideas on websites that I could start for my Home land - Kenya. There are massive ideas that could actually be put into practice considering how the web is being used in Kenya. It is very impressive to see that the internet can actually be harnessed to over 400% in five years. I thank God I exist in this generation.(You should too, no matter how old you are). Some of the ideas I might actually post here some time soon. I am sure I will blow you away.

And so I told my dad about all these and he was actually impressed. He told me he should be my first client. Who am I to refuse, so, he goes on to give me a website to build. I gladly took it, and that is what I am actually working on right now. Its's a Bible School website. He also gave me some design projects which are proving to be really tough on me. Now I am getting the hang of design. Now I really know how those guys feel when it comes to working with deadlines. But I am almost through though, that is the good thing. Will let you know when it comes through.

And now to writing. Well, It hasn't been easy. I had almost given up writing, and keeping this blog active. but I decided to get back on it and keep you people updated on what is going on. That would be the best thing. Oh yeah, I'll be working on an update, a letter to thirteen year old me, inspired by my sister. She's really cool and talented, you should check out her blog one time : I have done her a big favor. Considering she's my elder sister, now I need to get her to see this (I'll get extra credit).
Okay so now I really have to get to that website,... see you in a minute


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Krox's world
I am just good.Atleast that is what I think myself as...
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