Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Coming Sooon,.. to This Blog
I am Working on a Design blog. This Should run along side this random Diary of mine. My design blog is going to be like my online playground. Where I experiment and also hook up with other designers and Photographers, and design and photography enthusiasts.
The decision to have another blog running vis-Ã -vis this one has been caused by many factors. One actually is the flexibility of blogger – aka, blogspot.com. Blogger is not as flexible. It limits you on the type of ways you can improve your site. You may add a long and crazy html code to your blog to achieve what you want. Which I don’t really find cool.Wordpress on the other hand aka, wordpress.com is very easy to tweak with the hundreds of plug ins available online, unlike blogger. So I haven’t been posting anything for a while now, because I wanted to switch to word press. But I found it particularly hard. In fact, I have been battling with that for a long time this year. I find wordpress easy to use, but I have sort of gotten attached to this blog. It was my first when I dived into the world of blogging two years ago.(Especially after I customized it to my own liking…) As a reader and also as a contributor. But mostly as a reader.
And so, after careful consideration, ( well, not really, I only used ‘careful consideration’ because it is a good cliche`) I decided that I should get another blog purposefully for Photography Design and any other design related stuff. I made this decision hastily really. But I will keep my first blog. I will then keep it as the random diary it has been. Where I will post anything that comes to me, or my daily, weekly or monthly endevours.
I am also adding content to this blog. It should be really nice. And an awesome read,. always
The blog is almost out. As a matter of fact, its rolling out soonest. I will brief you about it. But you best be anticipating for it as I am anticipating for it . It will be run and managed by me Yours Truly. Later then.
p.s I still love blogger. Rock on!!
Bungoma Bible School
I promised to blog about my current school. I will try my best to be specific with the details and stuff.
The institution was established in the late 1980’s by a missionary called Doris Stortlar who is nowadays commonly referred to as Mama Doris. She then partnered with Justus Ochuro (whom I add up as the son) to run the school. Him as the director of the institution.
So far the school has had over a thousand graduates in the certificate course, which takes a year to complete. It boasts of students from all over East Africa, From Rwanda Burundi Tanzania Sudan and more so Kenya . Those from Kenya also come from diverse places in the country, from Eastern Coast and even Northeastern provinces just to name a few.
The institution is also has a church in Bungoma town. The church is called Word of Life Christian Fellowship. I go to that church.
Well my school is really cool come to think of it. It has classes for only half a day. From 9 to 12.30 in the afternoon. You may be wondering what they teach. Well, wonder no more, because that is what I plan to tell you exactly.
As a theology institution it is based on mainly equipping Christians. For the work of the saints and the edification of the body of Christ.
The school offers Certificate course, which only takes a year to complete, A diploma certificate which requires 4 more semesters a after the certificate course. (Note that a semester takes three months to go through) . A degree course is also offered in the institution.
I am almost done with the Certificate course. As a matter of fact, I’ll be done in November. There many things in form of Advantages I can tell you about the Bible School . But for me to be able to tell you effectively, allow me to tell you the advantages as I see it. As it has occurred to me.
In the Bible School you will be able to develop a more intimate relationship with God. When I joined, I was just an average, church going Christian. All I knew is that I loved God and that was enough for me. Through this institution, I have developed a more intimate Relationship with God. One in which my faith has been built towards him.
Another advantage is that I have learnt so so many stuff about Christianity in general. I have learnt to pray. Not so long ago were the days I used to go to pray, and I would be like,..
“ God bless me. In Jesus name, Amen”
And that was it. Nothing more to add him. Now I know the value of Supplication Thanks Giving and even Intersession among others. I know how to pray. I know what God wants in a prayer so that it should be answered. ( and just incase you are wondering what that is, the answer is faith. God understands the Language of Faith)
I have learnt to praise and to Worship.
I have gained knowledge of the Bible. I know what God says bout my life, socially, Spiritually, Financially, and all other ways. I think this is the most important and effective part in my life personally. It is such a joy and a blessing to just know what God thinks of you.
I have also gained commitment to the call. I’m not saying that I’m cut out to be a pastor, or an evangelist or some minister in the church. But I believe that it is the duty of each and every Christian to lead lost to Christ. As he left us with that duty. It is the responsibility of each and every christen to come against all the plans of the devil through sickness diseases, plagues, accidents and all form of negative incidents.
I have also gotten my priorities set straight. I know that form here I go to the university. That will be a good thing. Because I know that there is purpose set for me in my llife. I will live to achieve that great purpose.
Did I mention I also caught a fire?? Yeupp, I caught a fire for God ( which is like also wayyy,soo tawtally amazing) and I have to warn you, I’m contagious. I love God and will tell of him who gave his life for me.
I should also add that one more advantage is that the school is the cheapest in all Kenya . Tuition fee is only 200/- and you get to pay for the books each sem at only 2000/-. There is no boarding fee. A boarding place, room, bed and mattress is provided, Electricity and Water is also provided. All you need to do is to provide yourself with food. There are Kitchens available where you can cook for yourself.
So as you can see, there is really nothing to lose. As a matter of fact there are only advantages to this Bungoma Bible School . And NO disadvantages. No lie. This is absolute fact!.
I could go on and on and on and on about it butttt, I chose not to, in any way, I will be blogging about it regularly before and even after I graduate. So you may get to know a lot about it through that way too.
Its September already!!
Jeez!! Man!! I could swear ( that is if I swore ) that this year has gone pretty fast. I never really saw this year as this point in time so far. And to be completely honest, for me to reach this far, it is truly God. So just a recap of what happened in my life this year so far. Well,.. Those who don’t know me and don’t bother to ( I will tell you any way- this is MY blog, remember?) may not know that I came from High school recently. In a country called Kenya . In short I’m Kenyan, African, Human – so all my Kenyans, Africans and finally Humans, whoop whoop!!
Its been a crazy year. I have done quite a lot with my life so far. In January I joined a theology institution in Bungoma Kenya . I promised to blog about it from now on . Then I started acquiring new hobbies to add on to the ones I had before. I fell in love with design. Graphic design to be precise. This also led to an insatiable love for web design and all manner of design trends. And so, right about that time I also started taking Design lessons. I learnt how, and I’m still learning by the way to use Photoshop and Illustrator plus a number of other design tools. Well that is not the most important part .
The most important part is that I met God somewhere down the line. I have been a
Christian all my life. But that is just a name,. Christian. I was one because I had not really made my priorities straight and I had not really decided that that was what I wanted. So I joinedBungoma Bible School after clearing Form four at Friends School Kamusinga. A high school, also situated in the Western Part Of Kenya . The main idea was to go through this one year so quickly so that I can join the university. But as formal as it may have been, as I went through the institution, the teachings were so mind opening. I discovered, and I still am discovering so much about God. This triggered a passion for God that I did not have before. I fell in Love with God all over again. Also during that, or this time rather, I have seen God work in my life so much that I have decided to involve him in my all round life. I spent days debating in my mind whether I should include this in my blog and my presence online. It has not really been easy. So I prayed about it and asked God to help me out. In time, I have been convinced that I should speak God whenever, in person, on line in twitter facebook or wherever. Because in the long run, He is the one who really matters.
Christian all my life. But that is just a name,. Christian. I was one because I had not really made my priorities straight and I had not really decided that that was what I wanted. So I joined
So to now add, as I said,. I’m Kenyan African, Human, but most of all, I’m Christian. A lover of God , A believer of Jesus Christ who is the son of God, who came to earth in Human form to die for My sins, and your sins.
There I said it!!!
By the way. It feels so good. It feels so good to have something to live for. Paul says that for Him to live is Christ. Any way… I got involved with the Youth at our Church In Bungoma. I was never that involved with anything. Even back when I was still in school. I was kinda a person who just chilled out in the background. I got involved in the dance group, not that I’m the best dancer or what not, but that I could positively use the energy that I had. I also joined the Youth Choir. ( I also discovered I could sing) It has really been amazing man!!
So in August we had this Youth Camp in Church. I tried to blog about it too. But managed only 2 posts. Not that I got tired or anything, but because I never really got time to squeeze in between there. But it was amazing. We had these powerful teachings about vision and purpose. I think this is where the Year got more interesting for me. I have been having a grand time since then.I dunno If you’ve ever been in a situation when your life is just amazing. You have so much peace. You don’t have any worries and not so so much to do, but then again,.. you got so much to look forward to.
This my involvement in the Youth group has shaped me in many ways. I have confidence before people. I can talk and challenge people in to my faith, I have learnt a lot about Leadership. I also believe that I am cut out for leadership. I also got to do major stuff in Church like organize and even MC concerts.
We had this concert on church just before guys went back to school, and guess what, I was the MC. Pretty cool huh??
Aaaaaany ways We reopened Bible School . But I graduate this term. That’s a good thing. I’m waiting I go to school next year. I’m kinda spoilt choice where to go, because my grades were not that bad, so I may make it for a fairly good course. I’ll be graduating with a an Advanced Diploma in Biblical Theology. ( but really,.just a certificate. I need 4 more semesters to get a Diploma.
Now that’s a good thing. Don’t you think??
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The RedCall??? I Scream Conspiracy
I know its quite some time know after the red call hoax. But I could have as well kept quiet about it. What hurts me so much is that, days after the "hoax" people are still talking about it. But I'm going to prove why it's a personally presumed conspiracy.
But first, so that you do not feel so bad, and timed out, here is something I know you will love.
When Zain Kenya company lowered their tarriffs many opted to join the network, but some like me, chose to remain in Safaricom ( I have been a loyal citizen for a few months now) What we expected was Safaricom to reply with an even juicier price plan. This was a plan that was supposed to make all the over 80% subscribers among other networks be happy. If they did that, that is for you to decide.
So they finally came up with a plan. Obviously with strings attached. As they call it themselves, Terms and Conditions apply.
So this is the oh so amazing plan that they came up with.
You load Airtime worth 100 through 1000 and call 2/- on net and 3/- off net
Airtime worth 50/- and you call 3/- offnet and on net.
yada yada yada. ( the rest is really not fulfilling!)
So this is how you talk at only 2/-
First you have to buy airtime worth 100/-
(yeah I know, but that is the catch, its still cheaper than 250/-)
After that, your sim will automatically switch to 2/- on net and 3/- off net
So, for you to keep talking at only that amount regardless whether you buy a 5/- card worth of airtime or 20/-. You have to get another phone and load in the amount then sambaza yourself.
There,.. you can buy a 5/- shilling credit card and still talk for their offer price of 2/- on net and 3/- off net. That is what I have been doing.
See,.. I told you that you’ll love it.
I’ll be brief, and leave all the thinking to you. But allow me to introduce to you the thought.
Now if you are Palestinian, Nigerian, Ghanaian or Kenyan you probably know about the red call Hoax.
Its exactly a week later after it hit Kenya by storm. I therefore decided to take you through this.
Well, all the Kenyan telecommunication companies denied all allegations conserning the red call hoax. But come to think of it, I have reason to believe that they were involved.
Well, they are smart. Viral marketing technique was used here. From social media sites such as twitter to facebook. But this way they would never even be involved right?? C’mon,..
The text rates went from as high as 5/- per text to 1/- per text. That is a crazy drop in price. They knew that this would be the right time to take viral marketing from social media, translate it into texts then distribute it around the country. How, through the ever paranoid and surprisingly ignorant population.
Here’s the business sense. If one text is one shilling, the general public would not really mind sending more than one text. Infact psychologically speaking, I would be even willing to send more texts.
So what happens if as a company we get a million texts, that means that is a a million shillings without any struggle. And what if our texts as a company go for 3.50/- and 5/- and we manage to get just 100 000 texts sent,. Then that is 350 000 and 500 000 shillings made in twenty four hours. And we close the business and keep quiet about it.
It does make sense….. think about it…
Friday, August 13, 2010
Fathers Letter to His Childrren
in about an hour, I'll be reading this to 400 people,... just thought you should see it first
It's not my writing by the way,..
It's not my writing by the way,..
My Child,
You may not know me,
but I know everything about you.
Psalm 139:1
You may not know me,
but I know everything about you.
Psalm 139:1
I know when you sit down and when you rise up.
Psalm 139:2
Psalm 139:2
I am familiar with all your ways.
Psalm 139:3
Psalm 139:3
Even the very hairs on your head are numbered.
Matthew 10:29-31
Matthew 10:29-31
For you were made in my image.
Genesis 1:27
Genesis 1:27
In me you live and move and have your being.
Acts 17:28
Acts 17:28
For you are my offspring.
Acts 17:28
Acts 17:28
I knew you even before you were conceived.
Jeremiah 1:4-5
Jeremiah 1:4-5
I chose you when I planned creation.
Ephesians 1:11-12
Ephesians 1:11-12
You were not a mistake,
for all your days are written in my book.
Psalm 139:15-16
for all your days are written in my book.
Psalm 139:15-16
I determined the exact time of your birth
and where you would live.
Acts 17:26
and where you would live.
Acts 17:26
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Psalm 139:14
Psalm 139:14
I knit you together in your mother's womb.
Psalm 139:13
Psalm 139:13
And brought you forth on the day you were born.
Psalm 71:6
Psalm 71:6
I have been misrepresented
by those who don't know me.
John 8:41-44
by those who don't know me.
John 8:41-44
I am not distant and angry,
but am the complete expression of love.
1 John 4:16
but am the complete expression of love.
1 John 4:16
And it is my desire to lavish my love on you.
1 John 3:1
1 John 3:1
Simply because you are my child
and I am your Father.
1 John 3:1
and I am your Father.
1 John 3:1
I offer you more than your earthly father ever could.
Matthew 7:11
Matthew 7:11
For I am the perfect father.
Matthew 5:48
Matthew 5:48
Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand.
James 1:17
James 1:17
For I am your provider and I meet all your needs.
Matthew 6:31-33
Matthew 6:31-33
My plan for your future has always been filled with hope.
Jeremiah 29:11
Jeremiah 29:11
Because I love you with an everlasting love.
Jeremiah 31:3
Jeremiah 31:3
My thoughts toward you are countless
as the sand on the seashore.
Psalms 139:17-18
as the sand on the seashore.
Psalms 139:17-18
And I rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17
Zephaniah 3:17
I will never stop doing good to you.
Jeremiah 32:40
Jeremiah 32:40
For you are my treasured possession.
Exodus 19:5
Exodus 19:5
I desire to establish you
with all my heart and all my soul.
Jeremiah 32:41
with all my heart and all my soul.
Jeremiah 32:41
And I want to show you great and marvelous things.
Jeremiah 33:3
Jeremiah 33:3
If you seek me with all your heart,
you will find me.
Deuteronomy 4:29
you will find me.
Deuteronomy 4:29
Delight in me and I will give you
the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4
the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4
For it is I who gave you those desires.
Philippians 2:13
Philippians 2:13
I am able to do more for you
than you could possibly imagine.
Ephesians 3:20
than you could possibly imagine.
Ephesians 3:20
For I am your greatest encourager.
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
I am also the Father who comforts you
in all your troubles.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
in all your troubles.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
When you are brokenhearted,
I am close to you.
Psalm 34:18
I am close to you.
Psalm 34:18
As a shepherd carries a lamb,
I have carried you close to my heart.
Isaiah 40:11
I have carried you close to my heart.
Isaiah 40:11
One day I will wipe away
every tear from your eyes.
Revelation 21:3-4
every tear from your eyes.
Revelation 21:3-4
And I'll take away all the pain
you have suffered on this earth.
Revelation 21:3-4
you have suffered on this earth.
Revelation 21:3-4
I am your Father, and I love you
even as I love my son, Jesus.
John 17:23
even as I love my son, Jesus.
John 17:23
For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed.
John 17:26
John 17:26
He is the exact representation of my being.
Hebrews 1:3
Hebrews 1:3
He came to demonstrate that I am for you,
not against you.
Romans 8:31
not against you.
Romans 8:31
And to tell you that I am not counting your sins.
2 Corinthians 5:18-19
2 Corinthians 5:18-19
Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled.
2 Corinthians 5:18-19
2 Corinthians 5:18-19
His death was the ultimate expression
of my love for you.
1 John 4:10
of my love for you.
1 John 4:10
I gave up everything I loved
that I might gain your love.
Romans 8:31-32
that I might gain your love.
Romans 8:31-32
If you receive the gift of my son Jesus,
you receive me.
1 John 2:23
you receive me.
1 John 2:23
And nothing will ever separate you
from my love again.
Romans 8:38-39
from my love again.
Romans 8:38-39
Come home and I'll throw the biggest party
heaven has ever seen.
Luke 15:7
heaven has ever seen.
Luke 15:7
I have always been Father,
and will always be Father.
Ephesians 3:14-15
and will always be Father.
Ephesians 3:14-15
My question is…
Will you be my child?
John 1:12-13
Will you be my child?
John 1:12-13
I am waiting for you.
Luke 15:11-32
Love, Your Dad
Almighty God
Luke 15:11-32
Love, Your Dad
Almighty God
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Youth Camp #2
Wassup Diary??!! ( Good thing you are not my High school principle, You wuold have given me that>> "are you crazy look"!!
Oh i almost forgot,
Today was such a great day. In many ways so. I joined my friend to celebrate the biggest thing in her life Yet. and that was good. Another reason why it was such a great day is that today I actually got to attend the services at the camp. What's even greater, I got to minister in the Youth worship team. I say that is great because I get so much joy from getting the opportunity to serve. Not that. Being a Youth meeting, I got really challenged and inspired since we had the speakers sharing a lot about DESTINY PURPOSE DREAMS AND VISIONS. I can tell you one thing I have really been inspired and moved so far. There is only so much God says about Our dreams and the purpose that he has for our lives. Actually come to think of it, everyone's' life is actually already mapped out through God's divine power. It is for us to tap in a and to live to our fullest potential.
You know what is so great about a young persons life is that you can be anything you want to be, in whatever way you want it to be. I know that I will be good and turn out great. I got my notes, One day I will blog about what I have learned and where I see God taking Me.
Okay, so that was the preaching part. But man the singing and dancing was so vibrant. There is actually a group of guys who really danced until I almost burst out laughing from stage. Those Guys were Hilarious.

Apart from that, the worship was great. I could feel the presence. And the food was great too. I gotta congratulate those peeps that were in the Kitchen today. Okay so today I was not really worked up like yesterday so I feel okay..
There's a lot that I can share from today. But those were the main highlight of the event
Here are the just but some of the stuff that happened today
Oh and By the way, there should be a photo of my friend's cake somewhere..... what a day!
Oh i almost forgot,
Today was such a great day. In many ways so. I joined my friend to celebrate the biggest thing in her life Yet. and that was good. Another reason why it was such a great day is that today I actually got to attend the services at the camp. What's even greater, I got to minister in the Youth worship team. I say that is great because I get so much joy from getting the opportunity to serve. Not that. Being a Youth meeting, I got really challenged and inspired since we had the speakers sharing a lot about DESTINY PURPOSE DREAMS AND VISIONS. I can tell you one thing I have really been inspired and moved so far. There is only so much God says about Our dreams and the purpose that he has for our lives. Actually come to think of it, everyone's' life is actually already mapped out through God's divine power. It is for us to tap in a and to live to our fullest potential.
You know what is so great about a young persons life is that you can be anything you want to be, in whatever way you want it to be. I know that I will be good and turn out great. I got my notes, One day I will blog about what I have learned and where I see God taking Me.
Okay, so that was the preaching part. But man the singing and dancing was so vibrant. There is actually a group of guys who really danced until I almost burst out laughing from stage. Those Guys were Hilarious.
Apart from that, the worship was great. I could feel the presence. And the food was great too. I gotta congratulate those peeps that were in the Kitchen today. Okay so today I was not really worked up like yesterday so I feel okay..
There's a lot that I can share from today. But those were the main highlight of the event
Here are the just but some of the stuff that happened today
Oh and By the way, there should be a photo of my friend's cake somewhere..... what a day!
Youth Camp #1
Day 1.
Today is the day I was supposed to be in the Kitchen. Well, No service for me, at least until evening for the revivals.
[ I have been so psyched up for this Youth camp. I have been talking about it from way back, so I pray that it will be a great success. Yesterday church was really amazing. We danced so vigorously (obviously not to the liking of the Older generation- But our Love is Loud, we Just can't help it) We also led the praise and worship. Can You imagine? the Youth group of around ten people standing in front of about 500-700 people in the church??? It was a first, though I totally Liked the experience.. Any way, I promised to blog about the Youth camp.]
(And now back to where I was)
I knew it was going to be a hard task, I was almost alone, the rest of the guys had other stuff to tale care of. My sister, whom I was to be with in the Kitchen had to report to Moi University that day. A lot of inconveniences came at first. We had agreed to meet at 8.30ish, but no one was there at 9.30, I think I only saw one person, But then again, We had to do our thing. The church was opened and we started praying until people finally started coming in. ( Remember I was still supposed to cook) Why lie, though, the day started at a verrrrrrrrrry slow rate. People finally started showing up at around 12. Lucky me there were not so many people to feed. Rice with Beans, and that was done!
Immediately after we started cutting the sukuma wiki (kales) what!! that was the most hectic thing I did. No , wait, I forgot the cooking Ugali part. You can imagine, preparing Ugali for a 50 people serving can be hectic. But I made it! whooooo!! -i wont disclose who cooked the Ugali. for the mean time just keep thinking its me.-
And so evening came and I had not really recorded any service atandences. But This will be a great Youth convention. We already have so many borders. This is good.
And of course I leave you with a few photos from the super amazing day.You know I would still say that!!...
Good night dairy!
Today is the day I was supposed to be in the Kitchen. Well, No service for me, at least until evening for the revivals.
[ I have been so psyched up for this Youth camp. I have been talking about it from way back, so I pray that it will be a great success. Yesterday church was really amazing. We danced so vigorously (obviously not to the liking of the Older generation- But our Love is Loud, we Just can't help it) We also led the praise and worship. Can You imagine? the Youth group of around ten people standing in front of about 500-700 people in the church??? It was a first, though I totally Liked the experience.. Any way, I promised to blog about the Youth camp.]
(And now back to where I was)
I knew it was going to be a hard task, I was almost alone, the rest of the guys had other stuff to tale care of. My sister, whom I was to be with in the Kitchen had to report to Moi University that day. A lot of inconveniences came at first. We had agreed to meet at 8.30ish, but no one was there at 9.30, I think I only saw one person, But then again, We had to do our thing. The church was opened and we started praying until people finally started coming in. ( Remember I was still supposed to cook) Why lie, though, the day started at a verrrrrrrrrry slow rate. People finally started showing up at around 12. Lucky me there were not so many people to feed. Rice with Beans, and that was done!
Immediately after we started cutting the sukuma wiki (kales) what!! that was the most hectic thing I did. No , wait, I forgot the cooking Ugali part. You can imagine, preparing Ugali for a 50 people serving can be hectic. But I made it! whooooo!! -i wont disclose who cooked the Ugali. for the mean time just keep thinking its me.-
And so evening came and I had not really recorded any service atandences. But This will be a great Youth convention. We already have so many borders. This is good.
And of course I leave you with a few photos from the super amazing day.
![]() |
As you can see it was a pretty hectic day, full of smoke,.. But it ended quite well. I thank the Most High God for that... |
Good night dairy!
Friday, August 6, 2010
In the same spirit of innovation, Safaricom should launch a mobile plat form for voting.
Come to think of it, it may actually be practical. With the ongoing sim card registration, my guess is that, all mobile and telecommunication service providers will have a data base of all the registered customers. This is a plus because it means that the mobile service providers will no longer have ghost customers, but will be able to make an account of each and every customer that they have.
Back to Safaricom. Why Safaricom and not something like Zain, no I mean Bhatri Airtel? well, the answer is simple, Safaricom has for the longest time been a Kenyan service provider, rolling out products that are relevant and practical to the Kenyan Market. They also have the highest market capitalisation in the country. That's why.
So why should we really consider mobile voting? As far as we know, majority of Kenyans now own mobile phones, plus, If the companies shall be able to link up with the electoral commission that is present in the land, voting would be faster and smoother. We have thought as a Nation that we should tap into on line voting. As much as that is a reality, not many Kenyans are technologically savvy, especially those who are old. On the contrary, most Kenyans can use a mobile phone gadget smoothly with no hustle. Another thing, it would take the government a huge budget to put the machinery into place. I mean, all the computers in the ever growing Kenyan constituencies, then the possibility of the system being hacked into.
Having a mobile voting plat form would be easier and cheaper. It would only require the customer to have a sim card that is registered as a customer and as a voter and you are good to go. An average sim card goes between 50 Kenyan shillings and 100 Kenyan shillings.
This would be a milestone in any voting process in the whole world. But as you imagined, it would also have its limitations. The system may be hacked into, and the secrecy of the vote tampered with, or worse still, rigged. The system may also crash due to handling many requests at a time. The limitation list may seem longer, but innovation is necessary to see to it that it doesn't happen.
This may look as a big joke, but trust me, when implemented,.. this should be the best thing to happen in any country. I still insist, mobile voting will take us a long way.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The referendum after the referendum
iKenyans are beautiful people, yet very complicated and hard to understand. They have been known to be a working nation and also a drinking nation, though I cannot be able to tell which one comes first. Kenyans, the workers are real hustlers, hardened by the society. Its a rough world out here, and therefore, learning to fend for oneself is a must know-how skill. And that is why Kenya is a working nation. Yes, I know, most of you don't believe it, so here is another reason, the president- Kibaki, said so. So its indeed a working nation.
The drinking part,... well, that is for you to tell me, I mean, its only in Kenya where the MP's will try to legalise a brew that has been banned in the land since independence, so if that is not reason enough, You probably know one or two people living in a a 50 metre radius from you who are serious drunkards. Not the grab a beer at a pub drunkard. No, I'm talking about, getting- wasted- till you- forget- yourself drunkard, the sleep -in- a - mud- puddle drunkard, the sing -to- the -whole-neighbourhood drunkard.
That said and done, this country has had the most peaceful referendum. I still feel it was an insult to international press, who came hungry for some 'Kenyan action" a big disappointment I should add. They might have expected what they saw in 2007, but hey, who said that Kenyans are just some cold hearted blood sucking tribalistic folks? We have some love in Us. In fact a lot of love for that matter.
In case you dint know, the referendum was to pass the all so talked about constitution ion Africa. And it passed.
So here is the new referendum. folks want the president( I inclusive) to declare tomorrow a public holiday. You may not understand, but in Kenya we love public holidays. For some reason, it unites as more as Kenyans. It unites us as a people, and also to those who don't mind a bottle, it creates a stronger drinking nation fraternity.
We also get public holidays,and we miss some opportunities to get others. For instance, had Kenya gone to the world cup, we would have had a month long holiday.(so much for the working nation)
But that is not the main problem. Most Kenyans are happy, even those like me who voted against the proposed constitution, so how how about a holiday MR president? I know you are happy too, plus you are the one who declared us a working nation. Just a day to support your drinking brothers wont hurt. Or , a day to praise God for the victory would also be cool.
We could even set up a referendum this moment and vote. Promise you will not be disappointed
The drinking part,... well, that is for you to tell me, I mean, its only in Kenya where the MP's will try to legalise a brew that has been banned in the land since independence, so if that is not reason enough, You probably know one or two people living in a a 50 metre radius from you who are serious drunkards. Not the grab a beer at a pub drunkard. No, I'm talking about, getting- wasted- till you- forget- yourself drunkard, the sleep -in- a - mud- puddle drunkard, the sing -to- the -whole-neighbourhood drunkard.
That said and done, this country has had the most peaceful referendum. I still feel it was an insult to international press, who came hungry for some 'Kenyan action" a big disappointment I should add. They might have expected what they saw in 2007, but hey, who said that Kenyans are just some cold hearted blood sucking tribalistic folks? We have some love in Us. In fact a lot of love for that matter.
In case you dint know, the referendum was to pass the all so talked about constitution ion Africa. And it passed.
So here is the new referendum. folks want the president( I inclusive) to declare tomorrow a public holiday. You may not understand, but in Kenya we love public holidays. For some reason, it unites as more as Kenyans. It unites us as a people, and also to those who don't mind a bottle, it creates a stronger drinking nation fraternity.
We also get public holidays,and we miss some opportunities to get others. For instance, had Kenya gone to the world cup, we would have had a month long holiday.(so much for the working nation)
But that is not the main problem. Most Kenyans are happy, even those like me who voted against the proposed constitution, so how how about a holiday MR president? I know you are happy too, plus you are the one who declared us a working nation. Just a day to support your drinking brothers wont hurt. Or , a day to praise God for the victory would also be cool.
We could even set up a referendum this moment and vote. Promise you will not be disappointed
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Kenya: The harsh reality
The other day I was talking to my dad on some really solid issues that were bothering me. Obviously the main agenda was linked to the constitution which is a major topic in Kenya. Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about the constitution, rather, I am talking about Kenya as a society. Before I even go further, it is important to know that the constitution is integral to the running of any state in the world.
I quite cant tell where this conversation started from, but it was linked to development of African states. Not many African countries are developed. Not because they would not want to, not because they do not have the capacity to,(in form of resources) but because of the deep culture of impunity that has got hold of the African people. It is not a strange thing to be asked to bribe, or to be offered a bribe. Some do it in the most decent way possible, some offer to buy you a soda,or take you out for lunch. As much as this may not be seen as bribery, truth be told, it is. The culture has grown in us so much that we always think in those lines no matter what. It is pathetic. I have seen some well dressed , respectful police men pick bribes from matatus form not as well dressed touts as they.
Some months back, my best friend was getting his National identification card for he had lost the other one. What surprised me the most is that the ladies serving him bluntly and rudely refused to serve him until he gave out "something". Eventually, he gave out twenty shillings, and believe it or not, they took it and served him. And the system is like that. It is rotten to the core.Corruption starts from the highest form of government. From the ministers themselves.I won't even stress on that. There is no African who doesn't know that. (although I am informed that otther African states are better off)
Still, that is not what I wanted to talk about. It is just that knowing how the system works eats me up so much.
There are many rights that are provided for in the current and proposed constitution that do not take effect in this our country. For one, you are not supposed to be arrested from not having an identification card at night. There is no such law. Then you are supposed to be arrayed in court within 24 hours. While at it, you are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately, the opposite happens in Kenya. You are guilty until proven innocent.
Back to where this conversation between my dad and I was. I came out boldly, and told him how I have a right in this country. What followed was a long talk and revealing truths about Kenya. I will share with you some, and if you are a Kenyan, the rest will automatically come to you.
Most of the times, some police men, who are obviously evil, will not arrest you and let you go Scot free. I have heard, and witnessed, numerous cases of people who were apparently caught with bang. As much as this is cliche` to you, It's true, people really get framed with bhang. When you go to court, for such a case, obviously, being like me , you will think to yourself,
"I know my rights, justice must prevail, I am guilty till proven innocent, they have got nothing on me," right??
well,my friend, you are wrong. I mean, its not all Kenyans that are able to afford a lawyer to tackle their cases. Very few can. The rest, spend more years in remand than they would have in prison.
I personally experienced a case, where an old man was taken back into remand for another 3 months (his case to be heard on September 14th) under charges that he was drinking chang'aa. Him, knowing ( I believe it is the truth) decided to stick to the truth that he was arrested falsely, but instead taken back into remand. Just like that, and the magistrate did not even want to hear what he had to say. Sitting there, I saw a number of people who were taken back into remand for weeks and some months awaiting the hearing of their cases.
This really cut me deep. You see there is no justice prevalent to all in this country. And that is the sad truth. I would mostly never have written about this, but it hurts knowing that you are living ion a nation where the beautiful reality never blossoms to its beauty. It hurts to know that the proposed constitution promises so much(whether amended or not) but that dream may not materialize. It also hurts me to know that many Kenyans like me, hope for the best, think that it will all be better someday.
I chose not to live in that optimism any more , As much as I am confident and hopeful this country will change. But until then, I'd rather admit that I had no seat belt on, even if I have, and pay a two thousand shilling fine, other than spending ages in Remand. I chose to accept the harsh reality. Just as it is.
I quite cant tell where this conversation started from, but it was linked to development of African states. Not many African countries are developed. Not because they would not want to, not because they do not have the capacity to,(in form of resources) but because of the deep culture of impunity that has got hold of the African people. It is not a strange thing to be asked to bribe, or to be offered a bribe. Some do it in the most decent way possible, some offer to buy you a soda,or take you out for lunch. As much as this may not be seen as bribery, truth be told, it is. The culture has grown in us so much that we always think in those lines no matter what. It is pathetic. I have seen some well dressed , respectful police men pick bribes from matatus form not as well dressed touts as they.
Some months back, my best friend was getting his National identification card for he had lost the other one. What surprised me the most is that the ladies serving him bluntly and rudely refused to serve him until he gave out "something". Eventually, he gave out twenty shillings, and believe it or not, they took it and served him. And the system is like that. It is rotten to the core.Corruption starts from the highest form of government. From the ministers themselves.I won't even stress on that. There is no African who doesn't know that. (although I am informed that otther African states are better off)
Still, that is not what I wanted to talk about. It is just that knowing how the system works eats me up so much.
There are many rights that are provided for in the current and proposed constitution that do not take effect in this our country. For one, you are not supposed to be arrested from not having an identification card at night. There is no such law. Then you are supposed to be arrayed in court within 24 hours. While at it, you are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately, the opposite happens in Kenya. You are guilty until proven innocent.
Back to where this conversation between my dad and I was. I came out boldly, and told him how I have a right in this country. What followed was a long talk and revealing truths about Kenya. I will share with you some, and if you are a Kenyan, the rest will automatically come to you.
Most of the times, some police men, who are obviously evil, will not arrest you and let you go Scot free. I have heard, and witnessed, numerous cases of people who were apparently caught with bang. As much as this is cliche` to you, It's true, people really get framed with bhang. When you go to court, for such a case, obviously, being like me , you will think to yourself,
"I know my rights, justice must prevail, I am guilty till proven innocent, they have got nothing on me," right??
well,my friend, you are wrong. I mean, its not all Kenyans that are able to afford a lawyer to tackle their cases. Very few can. The rest, spend more years in remand than they would have in prison.
I personally experienced a case, where an old man was taken back into remand for another 3 months (his case to be heard on September 14th) under charges that he was drinking chang'aa. Him, knowing ( I believe it is the truth) decided to stick to the truth that he was arrested falsely, but instead taken back into remand. Just like that, and the magistrate did not even want to hear what he had to say. Sitting there, I saw a number of people who were taken back into remand for weeks and some months awaiting the hearing of their cases.
This really cut me deep. You see there is no justice prevalent to all in this country. And that is the sad truth. I would mostly never have written about this, but it hurts knowing that you are living ion a nation where the beautiful reality never blossoms to its beauty. It hurts to know that the proposed constitution promises so much(whether amended or not) but that dream may not materialize. It also hurts me to know that many Kenyans like me, hope for the best, think that it will all be better someday.
I chose not to live in that optimism any more , As much as I am confident and hopeful this country will change. But until then, I'd rather admit that I had no seat belt on, even if I have, and pay a two thousand shilling fine, other than spending ages in Remand. I chose to accept the harsh reality. Just as it is.
Why I'm a graphic design enthusiast
Well, I have always considered myself artistic (of sorts). I have been involved with various forms of Art from when I was young, from singing to acting to writing. What I really havent explored that much is Art by dreawing. So I can't and come up with some beautiful pieces on canvas, granted, but on the contrary, I have a very keen eye for detail, and I appreciate beauty and art in every form.
When I was young, maybe between 8 and 13 I used to draw some really cool stuff. I even had my own comic books, which I honestly don't know where they went. I can still draw, I mean, its not all gone. I used to come up with some really creative cartoons. But somehwhere down the road, I just lost it. I realised I couldn't do the stuff i used to do anymmore. I wasn't giving it much practise and I wasn't caring either. I had a passion to try out other forms of art but I just couldnt. So I quit ( well, sort of)
But then, I realized later on that, I don't need to draw using my own hands, that computers can do the same for me. All I needed was my creativity to go along with it. I have never been happier. At first I really couldn't tell why I love graphic design so much, but I realized that it is because it fills and fulfills a part of me that I had thought dead so long ago. But he was not, He is not. Maybe one day, I'll be known for being there for art. For supporting Music, Spoken Word, Literature and art by pictures. Now that would make me most happy.
When I was young, maybe between 8 and 13 I used to draw some really cool stuff. I even had my own comic books, which I honestly don't know where they went. I can still draw, I mean, its not all gone. I used to come up with some really creative cartoons. But somehwhere down the road, I just lost it. I realised I couldn't do the stuff i used to do anymmore. I wasn't giving it much practise and I wasn't caring either. I had a passion to try out other forms of art but I just couldnt. So I quit ( well, sort of)
But then, I realized later on that, I don't need to draw using my own hands, that computers can do the same for me. All I needed was my creativity to go along with it. I have never been happier. At first I really couldn't tell why I love graphic design so much, but I realized that it is because it fills and fulfills a part of me that I had thought dead so long ago. But he was not, He is not. Maybe one day, I'll be known for being there for art. For supporting Music, Spoken Word, Literature and art by pictures. Now that would make me most happy.
Untitled title
Okay, so yesterday I slept a very happy person. A lot happened you know, starting from a very personal basis. I fell in love once more. .....with photography. I saw some really inspirational photos on flickr and Ben Kiruthi's blog check it out ... any who, that's not the only thing that made me happy. I also did a desktop wall paper for my computer that I really loved.
It was inspired by my love for black. I mean, black has a lot to inspire when you think of it. or maybe now that I think of it, it was really out of love for dark colors. Okay, as I was saying, You can do so much with black and dark colors. So with this in mind, mine was to pay a tribute to the black. This is the desktop wall paper I did. you can also download it here if you want to., If you fall in love with it too.
Download it here
That is just one. I also got to do something that I have been having on mind from way back. This was also supposed to be a t-shirt someday. But we'll figure that out later. Any way, this second project is called Yesu anapenda Africa. (Jesus Loves Africa)
What I love most about this new one is that, it has the names and attributes of God in various African languages scribbled in the background. Along with the red yellow and green (rasta) colors that have for along time been associated with Africa. This is definately one of my personal favorites.
If you like it its also available for download Here
Here is it
It was inspired by my love for black. I mean, black has a lot to inspire when you think of it. or maybe now that I think of it, it was really out of love for dark colors. Okay, as I was saying, You can do so much with black and dark colors. So with this in mind, mine was to pay a tribute to the black. This is the desktop wall paper I did. you can also download it here if you want to., If you fall in love with it too.
Download it here
That is just one. I also got to do something that I have been having on mind from way back. This was also supposed to be a t-shirt someday. But we'll figure that out later. Any way, this second project is called Yesu anapenda Africa. (Jesus Loves Africa)
What I love most about this new one is that, it has the names and attributes of God in various African languages scribbled in the background. Along with the red yellow and green (rasta) colors that have for along time been associated with Africa. This is definately one of my personal favorites.
If you like it its also available for download Here
Here is it
Friday, July 23, 2010
Okay, so what am I anticipating??? In all honesty, I don't know. But its supposed to be a blog. I guess one which we could share and make posts on, then again maybe not. Maybe its a blog where the developers and the founders of that blog post there own stuff for us to read. but then, if so I would not know why the founders of the blog are making so much hype about it. Now now now, I know, you are probably wondering what I'm talking about right? (::right::) its a site. Yep, like you already know. its under the kingdom republic site. By the time you read this, (assuming you don't read it now, the blog will be already up. My suggestion, check it out. I hope it will be really as cool as its hyped out to be. Heck, I know it will be cool as it has been hyped up to be.
The kingdomrep blog (make sure you check it out)

So what is kingdom republic?? It's apparently, supposed to be a site, a social networking site where Christian folk can hook up, share the word, share music, and all that. When I first saw/heard/read about it, what I thought was,.. "man, this is a really great idea." What's even better, its KENYAN. Now don't get me wrong, Kenya has got some really nice web based ventures that are out right creative. But this, this my friend is set to blow you away. Just by looking at some of the graphics made by the talented designers who are setting up the site., you will definitely want to see what's going on. I'm going to show some of them
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the day it was apparently supposed to launch |

Well I don't have any background info about how the idea came to place,( I promise I'll interview the brains behind it and let you know). but what I know is, it was supposed to launch the 20th of June this year, but I guess the work was a bit too much...
I also know( or gather rather, that it will have clothin, a lebel on them ,prayer, song reviews,event updates and some other cool stuff.
Ok yea., that's about how much I can blubber about that, but lets wait and see.

In a mat or in the crib or in the office or in the cyber, or in the youth group. or ....... or.

cool right?? gotta be, lemme wait....................................................................................................
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make sure you join the community (ha!) |
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
To Shave or not to shave
This should be the longest time I have had hair on my head without shaving. It's not that long though. But there are reasons why I don't want to shave, why, I'd rather have my hair instead of cutting it down. We all like our hair, some of us even love our hair. They say that hair describes personality. I support that. That by you understanding the real motive behind someone's hair, you may be able to know him more.
So, I have never been a huge hair type of person, until recently. A lot happened actually, for one, I realized that I really liked dreadlocks. Those neat type of dreadlocks. I used to dislike them, I thought they were only for rebels and social mis fits ( I also used to think that my dad was the smartest and strongest person on earth when I was 6). But I saw some really nice and hot locks so I fell for them. The bad thing is that I cannot keep them. You see, I live with my parents, and my mom, who is not at all old fashioned, will willingly assume that character, and who knows what might happen to me. My mom is a born again Christian, she is principled, and has raised her children in the light, so for one of his sons to get dreadlocks would be insanity. What will the Women's group say? huh?. But that is just one side of the Story.
I plan to join some private university around soon. The worst thing? they have got strict rules on dressing, and especially, NO DREADLOCKS. But I really want to go there, it's been all I have been talking about lately. And also the rest of my family is there (those who are still in school). So what options do I remain with??
The second and most important reason why I want hair/ do not want to shave (whichever way you want to look at it) is that, I noticed that my dad is growing bald. Okay, not exactly, but I can see it coming, his brothers, my uncles,some of them already have a bald head. What's worse? my grandpa, Mom's papa, has a bald head! You see, truth be told. I don't want to grow to regret having hair on my head. If at all I should ever have a bald head, I should have enjoyed my hair-days (It's high time bald people started using 'hair days" to talk about the days the used to have hair). That's one, another thing I don't want to go through the same torment that bald and bald to be people go through every day. We've all been there, we've either laughed at a bald person or though about it secretly. These are just some of the most tormenting things SOME bald people go though.
> Bald people have to second guess themselves every time they go to a Barber shop. It's not always that you will get excellent service at the Barber shop. Not unless you are a renowned member to the Barber shop. When n you go to the barber shop to get a hair cut,(assuming the barber doesn't know you) you have to go stealthily and take a seat waiting to be shaved.
The regular stories business and politics will thrive. All along,, the Barber will assume he has not seen you. After few more clients have been served, the Barber will turn to chase you away.
" Boss, No idlers here!! You should read the sign!"
But since you are embarrassed, you will now tell him amidst a forced chuckle and a crooked- also obviously forced-smile
" eh.. eh.. Yes, I wanted to shave down my hair!!"
Looking at you now, the Barber will realize that you are bald. He would stop and stare at you. What is going through his mind right now, is how big that "airport", "helipad", "soccer pitch" or whatever fancy nickname he's got for your bald head, has gotten. With an equally forced chuckle and a crooked smile, he will tell you to wait for a moment.
When He's done shaving other people, you're up. What he gets is not only the shaving machine, but as you soon find out, you have to be shave with some geometrical or arithmetic instrument. He might get a ruler. I even know one who used a pair of dividers to efficiently shave your head. After long moments of struggling with your head, he's done. You with all the excitement get up from the barber's chair and ask him
"How much do I owe you?" He looks at you , pats you in the back and tells you
"Don't worry about the payment my friend, that I have done to you as a service to humanity"
This is accompanied by muzzled laughter from the 'real' idlers.
So that is just one case. You are now saying to yourself, that is not very bad! right?? Wrong! It is. Another bad thing when you get bald, your face grows longer with the receding hairline. In extreme cases, your face may actually start at the end of your head. This is really bad, because, what will happen is, when you get angry at someone, it is impossible for you to have that classical male anger reaction (also classically adopted from Gorillas) of twisting and wrinkling up your face when you are angry. The reason behind this is that, when you twist your face, the wrinkle actually forms at the back of your head. This means that you face will be plain.Someone has to look at you from your back to notice the expression you are trying to show, weather it is anger or surprise
Did I mention that you have to wash your 'face' starting from the back of your head?? And when you get shocked you cannot hold you head, you have to put you hands on the back neck-That is where you new head is at officially.
So now you understand my dilemma. None of the actions that I might take above my prove pleasing to me, so I guess I will just cut my hair short. I mean shorter than its already tall. I hope I have not offended anyone.If you are bald, don't feel too bad!
at least you know I'll be feeling the same some forty years from now.
So, I have never been a huge hair type of person, until recently. A lot happened actually, for one, I realized that I really liked dreadlocks. Those neat type of dreadlocks. I used to dislike them, I thought they were only for rebels and social mis fits ( I also used to think that my dad was the smartest and strongest person on earth when I was 6). But I saw some really nice and hot locks so I fell for them. The bad thing is that I cannot keep them. You see, I live with my parents, and my mom, who is not at all old fashioned, will willingly assume that character, and who knows what might happen to me. My mom is a born again Christian, she is principled, and has raised her children in the light, so for one of his sons to get dreadlocks would be insanity. What will the Women's group say? huh?. But that is just one side of the Story.
I plan to join some private university around soon. The worst thing? they have got strict rules on dressing, and especially, NO DREADLOCKS. But I really want to go there, it's been all I have been talking about lately. And also the rest of my family is there (those who are still in school). So what options do I remain with??
The second and most important reason why I want hair/ do not want to shave (whichever way you want to look at it) is that, I noticed that my dad is growing bald. Okay, not exactly, but I can see it coming, his brothers, my uncles,some of them already have a bald head. What's worse? my grandpa, Mom's papa, has a bald head! You see, truth be told. I don't want to grow to regret having hair on my head. If at all I should ever have a bald head, I should have enjoyed my hair-days (It's high time bald people started using 'hair days" to talk about the days the used to have hair). That's one, another thing I don't want to go through the same torment that bald and bald to be people go through every day. We've all been there, we've either laughed at a bald person or though about it secretly. These are just some of the most tormenting things SOME bald people go though.
> Bald people have to second guess themselves every time they go to a Barber shop. It's not always that you will get excellent service at the Barber shop. Not unless you are a renowned member to the Barber shop. When n you go to the barber shop to get a hair cut,(assuming the barber doesn't know you) you have to go stealthily and take a seat waiting to be shaved.
The regular stories business and politics will thrive. All along,, the Barber will assume he has not seen you. After few more clients have been served, the Barber will turn to chase you away.
" Boss, No idlers here!! You should read the sign!"
But since you are embarrassed, you will now tell him amidst a forced chuckle and a crooked- also obviously forced-smile
" eh.. eh.. Yes, I wanted to shave down my hair!!"
Looking at you now, the Barber will realize that you are bald. He would stop and stare at you. What is going through his mind right now, is how big that "airport", "helipad", "soccer pitch" or whatever fancy nickname he's got for your bald head, has gotten. With an equally forced chuckle and a crooked smile, he will tell you to wait for a moment.
When He's done shaving other people, you're up. What he gets is not only the shaving machine, but as you soon find out, you have to be shave with some geometrical or arithmetic instrument. He might get a ruler. I even know one who used a pair of dividers to efficiently shave your head. After long moments of struggling with your head, he's done. You with all the excitement get up from the barber's chair and ask him
"How much do I owe you?" He looks at you , pats you in the back and tells you
"Don't worry about the payment my friend, that I have done to you as a service to humanity"
This is accompanied by muzzled laughter from the 'real' idlers.
So that is just one case. You are now saying to yourself, that is not very bad! right?? Wrong! It is. Another bad thing when you get bald, your face grows longer with the receding hairline. In extreme cases, your face may actually start at the end of your head. This is really bad, because, what will happen is, when you get angry at someone, it is impossible for you to have that classical male anger reaction (also classically adopted from Gorillas) of twisting and wrinkling up your face when you are angry. The reason behind this is that, when you twist your face, the wrinkle actually forms at the back of your head. This means that you face will be plain.Someone has to look at you from your back to notice the expression you are trying to show, weather it is anger or surprise
Did I mention that you have to wash your 'face' starting from the back of your head?? And when you get shocked you cannot hold you head, you have to put you hands on the back neck-That is where you new head is at officially.
So now you understand my dilemma. None of the actions that I might take above my prove pleasing to me, so I guess I will just cut my hair short. I mean shorter than its already tall. I hope I have not offended anyone.If you are bald, don't feel too bad!
at least you know I'll be feeling the same some forty years from now.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Of Design,Writing ad Reality
So in all honesty, I can't seem to get over this new obsession of Design that I currently have. You know, design as in like, web and graphic design, the one you almost sort of use only computers (and your brain of course). Lately- for like the last one year, I have been dreaming, eating talking and reading exclusively on design. Period. I wont deny it has roots to my geekish background. And yes, I have finally accepted that I am a geek. That is who I am, so whoever has an issue with that should deal with it/. But lets look at the word Geek positively. I know that mostly geek has been used to mean people who are obsessed with some form of technology and are, well, what's an easier term....er, yeah, are unable to perform best socially speaking. On the contrary, I can function socially well. Want proof?? Ask the guys from my youth group.They'll tell you.
Now that that is clear, back to talking. Yeah, So, as I was saying, I am so overly abducted by design. There are a few sites that have actually inspired me, and I am thinking of starting my own website soon. More like a design blog, but with a different view at designing, Giving all the reader's to the site amazing content and inspiration. But that has to wait, for now I am doing research on the kind of material that I could post on the website. I also have many ideas on websites that I could start for my Home land - Kenya. There are massive ideas that could actually be put into practice considering how the web is being used in Kenya. It is very impressive to see that the internet can actually be harnessed to over 400% in five years. I thank God I exist in this generation.(You should too, no matter how old you are). Some of the ideas I might actually post here some time soon. I am sure I will blow you away.
And so I told my dad about all these and he was actually impressed. He told me he should be my first client. Who am I to refuse, so, he goes on to give me a website to build. I gladly took it, and that is what I am actually working on right now. Its's a Bible School website. He also gave me some design projects which are proving to be really tough on me. Now I am getting the hang of design. Now I really know how those guys feel when it comes to working with deadlines. But I am almost through though, that is the good thing. Will let you know when it comes through.
And now to writing. Well, It hasn't been easy. I had almost given up writing, and keeping this blog active. but I decided to get back on it and keep you people updated on what is going on. That would be the best thing. Oh yeah, I'll be working on an update, a letter to thirteen year old me, inspired by my sister. She's really cool and talented, you should check out her blog one time : http://lostinthot.wordpress.com/ I have done her a big favor. Considering she's my elder sister, now I need to get her to see this (I'll get extra credit).
Okay so now I really have to get to that website,... see you in a minute
Now that that is clear, back to talking. Yeah, So, as I was saying, I am so overly abducted by design. There are a few sites that have actually inspired me, and I am thinking of starting my own website soon. More like a design blog, but with a different view at designing, Giving all the reader's to the site amazing content and inspiration. But that has to wait, for now I am doing research on the kind of material that I could post on the website. I also have many ideas on websites that I could start for my Home land - Kenya. There are massive ideas that could actually be put into practice considering how the web is being used in Kenya. It is very impressive to see that the internet can actually be harnessed to over 400% in five years. I thank God I exist in this generation.(You should too, no matter how old you are). Some of the ideas I might actually post here some time soon. I am sure I will blow you away.
And so I told my dad about all these and he was actually impressed. He told me he should be my first client. Who am I to refuse, so, he goes on to give me a website to build. I gladly took it, and that is what I am actually working on right now. Its's a Bible School website. He also gave me some design projects which are proving to be really tough on me. Now I am getting the hang of design. Now I really know how those guys feel when it comes to working with deadlines. But I am almost through though, that is the good thing. Will let you know when it comes through.
And now to writing. Well, It hasn't been easy. I had almost given up writing, and keeping this blog active. but I decided to get back on it and keep you people updated on what is going on. That would be the best thing. Oh yeah, I'll be working on an update, a letter to thirteen year old me, inspired by my sister. She's really cool and talented, you should check out her blog one time : http://lostinthot.wordpress.com/ I have done her a big favor. Considering she's my elder sister, now I need to get her to see this (I'll get extra credit).
Okay so now I really have to get to that website,... see you in a minute
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Krox the come back
This is a come back issue, definately it is. The last time I wrote, was just from school (High school) and believe me, I had not gotten my act together,..not at all. But now I do,...I mean been in some other schools and what not, did done some web and graphics design, and I actually think I am cut out for that, but then again, I got to wait to prove if that is true.
Okay, so you are wondering why this is less formal to what you might have gotten used to. well, truth is, people change, I changed. so I decided that instead of having a blog that tackled only one issue, why not have a blog that tackled a myraid of ideas.
Why??? well, for one,I am young, I haven't gotten picky on what I want to do or what I really want to be identified with. (you see the thing is that I am diverse) two, I like ..no love, design, web and graphic design. I also writting, I also love photography and to add something on top of it, I really love Business or just Money- in short.
Putting one and two together, you ,may want to ask, why don't you just decide to write tutorials then?? well you see, writting for me is different, true, I may be able to write tutorials (which I plan to by the way..) but my type of writting goes beyond the design, photography and Business, it also includes some poetry, some philosophy-yes, I also put down practical thories.
Aaany awy, its been long, but you wont miss me any longer,..
Okay, so you are wondering why this is less formal to what you might have gotten used to. well, truth is, people change, I changed. so I decided that instead of having a blog that tackled only one issue, why not have a blog that tackled a myraid of ideas.
Why??? well, for one,I am young, I haven't gotten picky on what I want to do or what I really want to be identified with. (you see the thing is that I am diverse) two, I like ..no love, design, web and graphic design. I also writting, I also love photography and to add something on top of it, I really love Business or just Money- in short.
Putting one and two together, you ,may want to ask, why don't you just decide to write tutorials then?? well you see, writting for me is different, true, I may be able to write tutorials (which I plan to by the way..) but my type of writting goes beyond the design, photography and Business, it also includes some poetry, some philosophy-yes, I also put down practical thories.
Aaany awy, its been long, but you wont miss me any longer,..
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