Monday, November 16, 2009
Not Satisfied by the system yet.

I remember sharing about the system and why or rather how it needs a complete overhaul. My argument was that it doesn't teach Financial knowledge. Essential stuff like how to raise capital which is the #1 skill of an entrpreneur, How to start and manage a business and things like that. While it is now obvious that it doesnt teach such essentials, The system doesn't seem fit for the academic oriented. I just did my final exam in High school- In Kenya, so believe me when I say I know how it feels to be in the system.
Now, you might probably gone through it too. I believe strongly that year after year the quality of education, measured by the standard of the effiency of its testing has rapidly gone down. After every 8 years, a pupil in a primary school in the country is tested for what he\she has learnt for the years spent is school. After evey 4 years likewise, a highschool student is tested for what he\she has gathered in school. That method has occassionally lost its efficiency, especially due to the rampant cheating in the final exams. As years go by so does technology improve, so do better and more "fulfilling" cheating methods spring up. Forgive my oblique way of looking at this issue, but with the developing culture of impunity in the country some issues just need to be spoken out right.
If cheating is to be curbed, which is not even realistic, then what happens to the student whom exam time comes during a period of some sort of mental, emmotional or physical imballance, that only translates to students performing slightly or majorly below their pottential. So then our Big question, is this the best way of testing candidates.
Kenya is a country that has differnt regions and different climatic regions. That means that there are different conditions of studying which again translates to different academic out put- potential wise. So then again I pose the question, IS THIS REALLY REALLY THE BEST EDUCATIONAL CURRICULLUM?
Saturday, April 11, 2009

What hurts me the most comes in the final examination in high school.An average of 400 000 students sit for their final high school examination every year. Only about 75 000 students are able to attain a grade of C plus (C+) that is roughly about 20%-25% every year attaining a pass. Also note that The Kenyan public universities take students who have attained B+ for boys and B plain for Girls into its public universities. This again lowers down the number of students who have gone through this system to become trained professionals.
About 10 000 will make it into the private universities poly technics and colleges. What about the rest, well they will probably start businesses and build the Kenyan SME industry and the country will go forward. sounds good right? WRONG!!!!!!.

Then the government need to change how everything works. Maybe introduce financial education in the system. Whatever it is they are going to do, the should do it ASAP.
Let us strive to save the Kenyan youth. The Ministry dealing with youth affairs should put this on its fore front other than fighting with jobless without providing the correct educational basis. Over hauling the educational system will see Kenya go a long way even in the pursuit of the vision 2030.
I would like to see change happen. So that students don't have to depend on cheating in the examination so as to achieve excellence in life. We should not over emphasize on education rather than what an individual student can do. WE ARE IN THE INFORMATION AGE NOT THE INDUSTRIAL AGE.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Books that change lives

I have to agree that this is one book that has Left amajor impact in my life.I got hold of it in my dad's bookshelf and went ahead to read it.If I should have read it before maybe I would have changed my whole thinking thoroughly.
I learnt about the three types of income
1.Earned income- which you earn from your day job
2.Passive income-which comes to you regardless of you working or not.Majorly from Real Estate.
3.Portfolio income-which comes mainly in form of paper assets such as stocks and bonds
I am more inclined to think like the rich in order to be rich.But that will have to wait abit considering I am doing my final year in highschool(phew!!!!!!!!!!!) Then I will go on and apply the skills that I would have collected through out that time.At the moment I am trying my best to build on my financial IQ. I hope to farmiliarize myself with the market( both the stock and Real Estate market)
The Rich dad series are the books which I hope to finish reading as this year comes to a close.ohh well maybe by mid next year I will be completely through.
If you happen to read this and you have not read this book, and you are caught in the rat race(if you dont get then you should definately get the series) Buy the book. and the rest of the series. and ooh yeah please join the movement............................................GET RICH!!
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